Embrace the purity of emotions with our divine bouquet featuring Asiatic lilies, delicate white gerberas, and pristine white carnations. An ideal gift for someone seeking tranquillity and grace, these flowers symbolise purity, innocence and admiration. This bouquet promises to fill the recipients life with serenity, creating an enduring connection through the timeless beauty of white blooms.
Product Details:
- Premium, unscented white Asiatic lily: 2Pcs
- Premium, unscented white gerbera: 3Pcs
- Premium, unscented white carnation: 3Pcs
- Embellished with murraya and gypsophila filler
- Tied elegantly with FNP black satin ribbon
Flower Trivia:
- Asiatic lilies are grown for their nearly flawless, brilliantly coloured flowers that can be up to 6 inches in diameter.
- Did you know that for over 400 years, Carnations have been used to add flavour to different wines, liquors, and beers