An extravagant display of bold red roses wrapped in luxurious black and white paper. The colour contrast gives the bouquet a sophisticated look and enhances its beauty. Sprinkled with Green Murraya Leaf Filler, this love-infused bunch looks simply magical. The heavenly sweetness of chocolate truffle cake is the cherry on top, literally
Product Details:
- 15 Red Roses
- Green Murraya Leaf Filler
- FNP White N Black Non Woven Packing
- One Non-Woven Black Paper
- Beautifully Tied with FNP Branded Ribbon
- One Message Card
- One Greeting Card
- 1 Chocolate Truffle Cake-500 gms
- Dimensions: Approx 2x2.5 feet
- Net Quantity: 1 Flower Bouquet and 1 Cake
- Weight: Approx 2-2.5 Kg
- Country Of Origin: India
- Vegetarian
Flowers Trivia:
- Did you know a rose bush can grow quite tall The tallest ever recorded rose bush stands at over 23 feet 7 meters tall.
- Red Roses are perfect expressions of love and romance since ancient times
- Chocolate premix, Refined oil, Breakfast Sugar, Chocolate Truffle Base, Dark Chocolate compound, Karonda Cherry, Chocolate Glaze
Price Breakup:
Fresh Flower