Celebrate Raksha Bandhan with the charming Bal Krishna Rakhi, featuring a playful image of naughty Krishna with his butter pot. This delightful Rakhi, designed for your young brother, is set on a vibrant blue thread that symbolises joy and playfulness. Inspired by the young Krishna, its perfect for a mischievous kid, capturing their lively spirit. Complete with complementary roli and chawal, its ideal for the festival. Enhanced with our delightful Dairy Milk Crackle chocolates, known for their crispy texture and irresistible taste, this delightful combo is perfect for pampering your brother, ensuring a memorable and indulgent Rakhi celebration.
Product Details:
- Rakhi: 1
- Rakhi type: Devotional rakhi
- Cadbury Dairy Milk crackle chocolate bar: 2Pcs 36gms
- Complimentary roli chawal
- Net quantity: 1unit
- Dimension: 17x17x4 cm
- Weight: 80gms
- Veg
- Country of origin: India
- Milk Solids 23, Cocoa Butter, Cocoa Solids, Emulsifiers 442, 476, Flavours Natural, Nature Identical and Artificial Vanilla Flavouring Substances.Nutritional value per 100 g-Energy 518 kcal, Protein 8.0 g. Carbohydrate 63.5 g. Sugars 51.8 g. Fat 25.8 g. Saturated Fat 15.6 g. Trans Fat 0.2 g, Sodium 260 mg.
- Food additive: Emulsifiers Natural Identical Artificial flavouring substances
- Food allergen: Contains Wheat, milk, milk, and barley. May contain Tree nuts