Delight your loved one with our enchanting bouquet. This collection features premium roses, elegantly housed in a classic heart-shaped box. Each blossom is lovingly tied with a luxurious satin ribbon, creating a timeless and captivating gift that speaks volumes of love and affection. Make this Valentines Day extraordinary with the beauty and grace of this exquisite arrangement. Surprise your special someone with the radiant hues and enticing fragrance of our tenderly selected roses.
Product Details:
- Premium, unscented aqua pink roses: 6pcs
- Premium, unscented red rose: 17pcs
- Premium, unscented dark pink rose: 12pcs
- Housed in a black heart-shaped medium box
- Tied beautifully with a red satin ribbon
Flower Trivia:
- Red roses have been perfect expressions of love and romance since ancient times
- Did you know that the rose is edible, can live for a very long time, has been mentioned in the bible and is a great source of vitamin C