Celebrate Raksha Bandhan with a touch of divine sweetness. The Bal Ganesha rakhi for kids brings the blessing of Ganesha, symbolising wisdom and protection, making it a perfect gift for young brothers. Paired with mix fruit chocolate, featuring a blend of rich, fruity flavours, this combo not only delights with its taste but also adds a playful, loving touch to the occasion. Ideal for a brother who enjoys both a cherished tradition and gourmet treats.
Product Details:
- Bal Ganesha rakhi: 1
- FNP Mix Fruit chocolate: 45g
- FNP roli-chawal card
- Net qauntity: 1unit
- Dimension: 17x17x4 cm
- Product weight: 50 gms
- Veg
- Country of origin: India
- Nutritional value Per 100 g-Energy Kcal -550, Carbohydrates g -58, Total sugar g -52, Added Sugar g -43, Protein g -7.6, Total Fat g-32, Saturated Fatty Acid g-30, Trans Fatty Acids g-0.1, Sodium mg -99
- Food additive: Sugar, LecithinFood allergen: May contain traces of vegetable fat, milk nuts