Celebrate Raksha Bandhan with the Galactic Blue Protector Evil Eye Rakhi, paired with the rich and indulgent Channa Barfi. This unique Rakhi features a stunning blue evil eye design, symbolising protection and warding off negativity. Perfect for expressing your love and care for your brother, this Rakhi offers both style and sentiment. Paired with the rich and delightful Channa Barfi, a traditional Indian sweet known for its delightful taste and texture, this combo ensures a celebration filled with love, positivity, and sweetness. Ideal for cherishing the bond between siblings, this Rakhi set promises a memorable and joyous Raksha Bandhan celebration.
Product Details:
- Rakhi: 1
- Rakhi type: Feng shui rakhi
- Channa barfi: 200gms
- Complimentary roli chawal
- Net quantity: 1unit
- Dimension: 14x10x4 cm
- Weight: 200gms
- Veg
- Country of origin: India