Celebrate your extraordinary dad with premium yellow Asiatic lilies symbolising joy and gratitude, peach roses representing admiration, white daisies conveying purity and peace and vibrant yellow roses for friendship and appreciation. Artfully arranged in a stylish glass vase and topped with a golden 'Super Dad' topper, this elegant piece is a heartfelt tribute to the love and respect you hold for your father.
Product Details:
- Premium, unscented yellow colour asiatic lily: 2 Pcs
- Premium, unscented peach colour rose: 6 Pcs
- Premium, unscented white colour daisy: 2 Pcs
- Premium, unscented yellow colour rose: 6 Pcs
- Embellished with green ping pong white gypsophila
- Arranged in transparent cylindrical glass vase: 4 x 8 inches
- Golden super dad acrylic topper: 9.05 x 3.9 inches
- Dimensions: 12 x 24 inches
- Weight: Approx 500 gms-1 kg
Flower Trivia:
- The worlds most expensive rose is a 2006 variety by famed rose breeder David Austin that was christened Juliet. Breeding the rose took a total 15 years and cost 5 million dollars
- Daisy comes from the Old English "daes eage," meaning "days eye." The name refers to the way they close their petals in the evening, and open again at dawn, marking the beginning of a new day.