Made up of the best of nature, this arrangement shouts freshness and elegance Artistically arranged in a transparent fishbowl, the hamper features roses, carnations, daisies, lemon citrus fruits all nestled on a bed of floral foam. For a touch of sweetness and tanginess, juicy sweet limes are also included. Beaming with buoyancy, this hamper is perfect to be shared with your family and friends as a token of appreciation or best wishes for any occasion.
Product Details:
- Premium unscented yellow color roses 12 pieces
- Premium unscented white color carnations 9 pieces
- Premium unscented green color chrysanthemum button mums 4 pieces
- Green oasis floral foam for longetivity
- Juicy sweet lime 6 pieces
- Transparent fish bowl glass vase
- Embellished with green ping pong fillers and green ficus benjamina weeping fig leaves filler