The standing rose bouquet is the ideal gift for any occasion. Comprising enchanting aqua-pink roses, this bouquet is a visual symphony of elegance. The elegant bouquet can stand on its own add magic to the room without a vase. Whats more, its self-watering-the base contains water so the bouquet stays fresh for days. Another innovative first from FNP.
Product Details:
- Aqua pink roses: 15
- Fillers: Green murraya leaf
- White cellophane FNP baby pink non woven packing sheets
- Tied with pink raffia thread
- The bouquet is filled with 400-500 ml of water and wrapped tightly with cellophane at the bottom so the bouquet stays fresh for days.
- Net Quantity: 1 Bouquet
- Dimensions: 24x15 inch
- Weight: Approx 750 gms-1 kgs
- Country Of Origin: India
Flower Trivia:
- Did you know a rose bush can grow quite tall The tallest ever recorded rose bush stands at over 23 feet 7 meters tall.
- Roses can live for a very long time. There are rose fossils discovered that date back 35 million years. The large rose bush that covers the wall of the Cathedral of Hildesheim in Germany has been there for over a millennium.