Brighten someones day with this delightful gift ensemble The mini bouquet adds a touch of elegance, while the cookies satisfy sweet cravings. The necklace adds a touch of sophistication, complemented by the indulgent mini Nutella jars. The card completes this charming package, perfect for spreading joy on the special occasion. Unique for its thoughtful combination of treats and trinkets, its ideal for anyone who appreciates a heartfelt gesture.
Product Details:
- Pink and white tulip mini bouquet: 1 pink and 2 white
- Red velvet handmade cookies: Set of 2
- Heart charm golden necklace
- Mini Nutella: 25gm x 3
- Birthday candle card
- Pink cake box
- Net quantity: 1 Unit
- Dimension: 24x24x15 cm
- Weight: 2 Kg
- VegCountry of origin: India
Ingredients Details:
- Ingredient:Red Velvet Handmade Cookies-Baking powder, Baking soda, Red food colour, Cocoa powder, Vanilla, essence, Milk, Milk powder, Refined wheat flour, Icing sugar, Cashews, Butter, Gulkand, Ghee, Cocoa solidsMini Nutella-sugar, palm oil, hazelnuts 13, skimmed milk powder 8.7, low-fat cocoa 7.4, emulsifiers: lecithin soy, vanillin