Celebrate Raksha Bandhan with our exquisite Bandhani Bhaiya-Bhabhi Rakhi Set, featuring a beautiful lumba for Bhabhi and an ethnic rakhi for Bhaiya. Adorned with intricate Bandhani a traditional art from western India, these rakhis symbolize love and protection. The lumba, designed especially for Bhabhi, adds a unique touch, while pearls add sophistication to Bhaiyas rakhi. Strengthen the sibling bond with this thoughtful gift, complete with complimentary roli and chawal for a traditional touch, and paired with the indulgent delight of Lindt chocolate balls. Ideal for siblings who appreciate rich tradition and luxurious treats, this combo ensures a festive celebration filled with love, style, and delectable sweetness.
Product Details:
- Bhaiya-bhabhi rakhi set: 1
- Rakhi type: Ethnic rakhi
- Lindt milk chocolate ball: 200gm
- Complimentary Roli Chawal
- Net quantity: 1unit
- Dimension: 17x17x4 cm
- Weight: 210gms
- Veg
- Country of origin: India
- Sugar, cocoa butter, milk, chocolate, soya lecithin emulsifier, barley malt powder, vanillin artificial flavouring], vegetable oil coconut, palm kernel, sugar, chocolate, cocoa butter, milk, soya lecithin emulsifier, barley malt powder, vanillinNutritional value: Energy 623kcal, Fat 47g, of which saturates 35g, Carbohydrate 44g, of which sugars 43g, Protein 4.9g, Salt 0.23g.
- Food additive: Emulsifiers Natural Identical Artificial flavouring substances
- Food allergens: Contains Barley Milk Soya Lactose Hazelnuts Nuts Walnuts Macadamia Nuts / Queensland Nuts Pecan Nuts Almonds Pistachio Nuts Brazil Nuts Cashew Nuts