Celebrate Raksha Bandhan with our exquisite Bhaiya-Bhabhi Rakhi Set, featuring a beautiful lumba for Bhabhi and an ethnic rakhi for Bhaiya. Adorned with intricate Bandhani work, a traditional art from western India, these rakhis symbolise love and protection. The lumba, designed especially for Bhabhi, adds a unique touch, while pearls add sophistication to Bhaiyas rakhi. Strengthen the sibling bond with this thoughtful gift, complete with complimentary roli and chawal for a traditional touch. Show your love with premium Kaju Katli, crafted from the finest cashews. This delightful treat is perfect for making Rakhi celebration sweet and unforgettable.
Product Details:
- Ethnic bhaiya-bhabhi rakhi set
- Spider man rakhi: 1
- Milk Cake: 300gms
- Complimentary roli+chawal