The Power of Inclusivity: Understanding the Women's Day 2024 Theme "Inspire Inclusion"
- Author: Anushka Published: 04th Mar, 2024
As we are all set to celebrate Women's Day 2024, the theme ‘Inspire Inclusion’ steals the limelight. It is all about women's power and making them feel like they are a ‘part’ and have a sense of belonging. Let’s understand the theme and see its importance for all the women who have made it.
Welcoming All
This year’s theme ‘Inspire Inclusion’ is about welcoming women from all walks of life no matter what they look like or where they come from. It's like shouting out loud, "You are welcome to be a part of the community as a whole. Without you, it is impossible to achieve our common goal of success!"
Crossing the barriers
‘Inspire Inclusion’ can be possible only when we all join hands to bridge the gap between men and women and let women achieve their goals. The gaps are - trivial mental set-ups, societal discrimination, unfair practices and many more. A majority of people are still unable to give women their due. It is high time society comes out of its shell and acknowledges women’s contribution to society.
Identifying Cultural Differences
The theme helps us to understand the unique experiences, women from different strata of society face. Some women face extra challenges because of their race, family background and social norms of the place where they grow. It's of utmost importance to identify these challenges and listen to these women to overcome these challenges to materialise the concept of inclusion.
Making Voices Heard
A major part of ‘Inspire Inclusion’ is making sure that voices get heard. ‘Right to speak’ can be truly realized when women from all backgrounds can speak up boldly and share their stories. When we listen to each other, we get inspired, learn and grow together.
Acting NOW
Most importantly, ‘Inspire Inclusion’ is about doing more than just talking; taking action. Apart from giving out Women’s Day gifts and flowers, we must devise strategies and stand up for the cause. Only by changing our mindset and accepting women in the mainstream, which we have already done to a certain extent, we can make a big difference and inspire Inclusion in a true sense.