How to Speed Up the Growth of your Pothos Plants
- Author: Anushka Published: 26th Sep, 2022
When talking about houseplants, you would definitely have Pothos in your collection. Whatever you call them - Pothos, Money plants or Epipremnum Aureum - they are hardy and wonderful trailing houseplants that beautifully work their way throughout the space they are put at. Though this notorious plant is easy to take care of, it is important to know the ropes to make it grow fast and look great. So, if you have the one or just got the one and are anxious to grow it faster or keep it lush and in tip-top condition, keep reading.

Give it More Sunlight
Starting with the basics, Pothos craves for bright, indirect sunlight to stimulate its growth. The more sunlight, the more growth! Provide it at least 6 to 8 hours of indirect sunlight every day. Just prevent it from intense sunlight, otherwise, its leaves will look pale or get burned.
Provide the Right Temperature Conditions
Pothos is a tropical plant that thrives between the range of 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The growth of this plant slows down significantly when kept below this temperature. You might also notice its leaves getting shrivelled.
Give it the Right Nutrients
Pothos plants require the right balance of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (N-P-K) to grow fuller. Go for a little amount of compost or liquid seaweed solution to fertilise the soil at least once or twice a month. This will enhance foliage growth and your plant will look healthier and fuller.
Dust & Mist Occasionally
For your Pothos plant to breathe and receive the required nutrients, its leaves should be kept clean and dust free. Mist the leaves with water and then dust them with a soft cloth, at least once a week. This will help increase your Pothos’ humidity levels and even prevent spider mites from infesting.
Keep it Well-Watered
The ultimate way to maintain the growth of your Pothos plant is to give it the right amount of water. Overwatering can result in wilted, limp and yellowing leaves. On the other hand, too little water can cause the leaves to curl, and in the end, drop off. Stick to a proper watering schedule to make them look fuller and healthy.
Prune your Pothos
To achieve that bushy look, prune your Pothos from time to time. This will encourage their robust growth and give it a fuller shape and sculpted look. You can either toss away the cuttings or put them back into the planter to promote its healthy look.