Roses - Universal Symbol of Love

The name rose comes from the Latin word Rosa. It has been the ultimate choice for professing one's love for centuries now. From love, passion and sensuality to wisdom, this flower has been the living image for each of these emotions and has been the most famous and beloved of all flowers. It is considered an ideal floral gift for 15th wedding anniversaries.

Types of Rose -

White Rose

A whole bouquet of creamy white blooms is perfect for celebrating the purity and innocence of a child. It is this purity that makes it a popular flower for both weddings and funerals.

Blue/Purple Rose

These roses are associated with Royal blood or a royal demeanour and attaining the impossible. They symbolize mystery, rarity, imagination and a magical outlook towards life.

Red Rose

It is the ultimate aphrodisiac. If you wish to profess your passionate love for someone, this is the perfect pick.

Pink Rose

The lighter hued pink rose is meant for young love and relationships which are just beginning to bloom. The lightest shade of pink is an appropriate colour for celebrating motherly love.

Orange/Yellow Rose

Bright yellow indicates non-romantic passion like helping others or even achieving one's dreams. These bouquets work best for congratulating someone for an achievement or even for celebrating the arrival of a new born baby. If you know someone who is working very hard to achieve a specific goal, recognize his/her efforts with these roses.