
Less Space No Worries – Best Small Plants for Bedroom

Best Plants for Bedroom

The popularity of bedroom plants has skyrocketed in recent years, especially after COVID-19. So, whether you are living the city life in a shoebox apartment or studio room feeling more like a closet, don’t let limited space devoid you of bringing nature indoors via small bedroom plants.

Small plants are stealing the spotlight, all for the right reasons. These cute powerhouses bring a pop of colour, life and clean air to your cosy space, without demanding much attention.

Small Indoor Plants for the Bedroom

In this blog and section, we have rounded up a few small indoor plants that you can pick from to create your little oasis.

P.S.: These plants are beautiful, easy to care for and thrive in the bedroom.

Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

This low-maintenance succulent is practically indestructible! Snake plants are great for beginners as they are the easiest ones to grow. They thrive in low light (to bright afternoon sun), need infrequent watering and even cleanse the air, making them the perfect bedroom buddies. It earns brownie points for its cool, dramatic and architectural silhouette.

ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

ZZ ranks as one of the easiest, low-maintenance indoor plants for bedroom; thus perfect for beginners. Since they are native to East Africa, these bedroom plants are quite resilient. They don’t have much fuss and thrive in most lighting conditions, even low light like you might have in a bedroom. Plus, they’re happy in compact spaces, so a small nightstand isn’t a problem. The best part? They’re not just pretty (with those beautiful dark green leaves and lush foliage), they also help purify the air by removing toxins like xylene and toluene.

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

The list of NASA-Approved natural air purifying plants comprises spider plants. This cheerful plant sends out adorable baby spiderettes on long runners. Perfect as hanging planters or placing them on a high shelf. They are the best plants for bedroom oxygen that can tolerate heavy shade. Spider plants are pretty on the eyes too! They come in pretty patterns with colourful leaves that hang down in long strands. Besides, taking care of them is a breeze. Just pop them in a spot with indirect light (not too bright, not too dark), plant them in soil that lets water drain out easily and water them only when the top two inches of soil feel dry.


Staying a little true to their name, air plants don’t even need soil. So, as you go out to buy plants for bedroom, consider these cutie patooties. These quirky little guys absorb moisture from the air, making them ideal for terrariums or placing on decorative rocks. Just give them a quick soak in water every week or so.

Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

For those without the greenest of thumbs, pothos is one of the easiest indoor plants for bedroom. It’s one of the popular good luck plants for home that has shiny, heart-shaped leaves and trailing stems that can grow several feet. You can easily grow it in any light condition, just let it dry out completely between drinks. This bedroom plant is perfect for cascading over dressers, shelves or hanging planters.

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum species)

Peace lilies are those luxurious-looking plants that are all about peace and beauty. They are among the popular indoor flowering plants that with their lush green leaves and elegant white flowers add a calming touch to any bedroom. Bonus? They help you breathe easier by boosting indoor humidity, perfect for anyone with dry sinuses. While taking care of them, remember to keep them out of direct sunlight, put them in soil with good drainage, give them a little fertilizer every 2 months during spring and summer and water them only when the top of the soil feels dry.

So there you have it – small plants for bedroom that will bring in a lush and relaxing green haven. Not only will these tiny tenants add a touch of beauty and life to your space, but also help purify the air you breathe with a little TLC. Ergo, shop them already and make your heart skip a beet!

About the author

Anushka Jain