Getting attracted to someone may have biological reasons, but the way it makes our mind and soul feel is purely divine. We meet several people daily but there’s only a view that grabs our attention and leaves our mind wondering. We get those butterflies whenever they are around us. Or we may go blank and know nothing about what to say in front of them. And before we know it, we start liking them. But when we start liking someone, we want to know about their feelings as well. As your love advisor, we came up with the signs that your crush likes you back! We know you have been waiting for them so scroll down!
They Look At You
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If you have noticed your crush staring at you several times, then it is obvious that they are into you.
They Are Interested To Know About You
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When your crush asks you about your likes, hobbies and seems interested in knowing a lot more about you, then it is a classic sign that they are into you.
They Ask About Your Status
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If your crush asks about your relationship status directly or indirectly or always end up asking personal questions, it may be a good sign that they like you and see you as a potential partner.
They Are Nervous Around You
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If your crush seems to be nervous around you and you notice them doing weird things out of nowhere, then it means that they like you a lot and want to impress you.
They Make Extra Effort To Talk To You
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If your crush often finds excuses to talk to you like they text you to ask trivial things or stop a conversation with others to start one with you, then that could be a sign that they like you.
They Find Excuses To Surprise You With Lovely Gifts
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Gifting is a thoughtful gesture often reserved for special occasions. So, if you find your crush discussing gift ideas with their friends and looking for gifts for him or gifts for her online and then you end up receiving gifts on your birthday, job promotion, or any other occasion, you must not let their hard work go in vain.
They Always Look For Excuses To Spend Time With You
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If your crush starts hanging out a lot with you regularly, then it’s a strong sign they are trying to tell you that they enjoy your company and love to spend time with you.
They Are Always Willing To Help You
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If your crush is always there to help you whenever required, then they may actually like you.
They May Get Upset When You’re With Someone Else
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If you are talking to someone or getting closer to someone else and your crust starts acting weird or might look jealous, then it is an obvious sign that they like you and want to keep your attention.
They Remember Important Things About You
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When someone is in love with you, then even your little things matter to them. If your crush happens to remember even the tiniest details about you like the day when you wore that polka dot dress, then these are the signs that they are deeply into you or may even love you.